Tanken med bloggen är att samla all information och artiklar löpande under en och samma plats. Bloggen kommer förhoppningsvis att kunna bli ett arkiv för dem som vill studera fallet eller en källa till information för anhöriga. Mitt personliga mål är att få ett slut på Johanssons tragiska situation och ett återförenande av familjen.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
In The Heart Of Poland
"Children go to foster families. They are also illegal adoptions... Often, a social worker has some ties to the foster family."
About the cost:
"During the year is approximately 20,000 children. For their money goes to maintain high taxes."
"Often these are parents, one of whom is a foreigner. I talked on Monday with a Jew, who began to have problems with social welfare. I told her that as no place to let go as soon as possible. She was surprised at my advice and said she will think. On Friday, has already called me from Israel. She realized that this was the only thing that could be done in such a situation."
About Dominic Johansson, why they took him:
"So far, I can not understand it. The European Convention on Human Rights contains the Additional Protocol Article 4. 2, speaks of "freedom of movement." But this family was not allowed to leave. They took their child to a foster family, and parents can be see each other once every five weeks for an hour. The boy underwent brainwashing, and after seven months at the foster parents have already calling mom and dad. Before they hit was in the so-called temporary home.
His mother, a young woman, she already had many crises, including two heart attacks."
RP.pl Officials of the dictatorship of the social

"The law should protect children. Meanwhile, today is used to terrorize parents - said the President of the Nordic Committee for Human Rights in an interview with Anna-Nowacka Isaksson"
About Dominic Johansson, "The boy is now in a foster family. Parents can meet with him once every fifth week, under supervision. Dominic underwent brainwashing."
Question, Why is it so easy to pick up parents children?
"Generally this is business. Those who recive the children, officials of different social workers receive state subsidies. The more children, more money. Children are usually placed in foster families, which are friendly or related to those deciding on the reception of the child. We know this is the case in a municipality of Nybro. Mentally handicapped boy's village placed in a foster family and pays her for 10,000 crowns (more than four thousand. Zł) per night. The cost of classes is one child is 3.65 million kronor (1.5 million zł) per year. A normal child trafficking. The majority of foster parents adopt children, because they pay them for it. Do not assume that children are suffering mentally and physically. There is no worse torture for a child than to deprive them of their parents."
How many children a year are now parents received in Sweden?
Translated by google
Read orginal article on polish.
Read it with googletranslation.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Världen Idag: Dominic smögs ut via bakdörren

När ombudet Ruby Harrold-Claesson ville möta Dominic, vars pappa hon företräder i rätten, blev det nej.
I stället smugglade socialtjänsten ut pojken bakvägen ur skolan och in i en lastbil.
Läs mer...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
WND: Hustled off in truck to prevent meeting human-rights lawyer

Social-services agents in Sweden have swooped down on an elementary school to grab a 9-year-old boy and take him out of class so he would not meet an internationally known human-rights attorney working on the family's custody dispute with the state, according to the attorney and parents.
Government officials then canceled a scheduled telephone conversation between the child, Domenic Johansson, and his parents, Christer and Annie, because of "what happened today at the school."
HEF: Social-service agents grab child from school Hustled off in truck to prevent meeting human-rights lawyer

Social-services agents in Sweden have swooped down on an elementary school to grab a 9-year-old boy and take him out of class so he would not meet an internationally known human-rights attorney working on the family’s custody dispute with the state, according to the attorney and parents.
Government officials then canceled a scheduled telephone conversation between the child, Domenic Johansson, and his parents, Christer and Annie, because of “what happened today at the school.”
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Öppet brev till Gotlands Kommun av Michael Donnelly
Kära Gotlands Kommunledare: Jag är väldigt bekant med detaljerna kring omhändertagandet av Dominic Johansson då jag har varit i kontakt med hans familj sen September 2009 på grund av era handlingar vilka har nekat familjen grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter.
Världen tittar allt mer på er lilla ö och bildar sig en väldigt osmickrande uppfattning om hur ni behandlar människor som till synes verkar bete sig en aning utanför normen. Handlingarna utförda av era socialarbetare, möjliggjorda av er Kommunledare och sedan rättfärdigade av bisarra domslut i era rättssalar visar hur lite Sverige egentligen beskyddar vuxna och barns rättigheter och värdigheter. Ni borde skämmas för hur ni har behandlat denna familj med ringaktning och yttersta respektlöshet gentemot deras grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter.
När er ambassads attaché (Stig Bergland) skrev till mig om saken hade han fräckheten att citera FN:s Barnkonvention för mig och peka ut att "barnets röst" skall vara utgångspunkten i fall som dessa. Förväntar ni er på allvar att jag, eller någon annan, tror att ni rådfrågade Dominic huruvida han ville bli traumatiskt separerad från sina föräldrar? Förstår ni skadan ni åsamkat denne lille pojke och hans familj vilket för tankarna oavbrutet till vad Stalin gjorde när han skickade iväg människor till arbetsläger för att de hade avvikande åsikter?
Snälla ni, jag har läst rättens beslut. Säger era socialarbetare och domare att det är O.K. att kidnappa den här pojken och att begränsa hans mammas och pappas besök till en timme var femte vecka?
Detta för att Dominic hade några hål i tänderna, inte var vaccinerad och var hemskolad?
Oerhört monstruöst. Helt enkelt omänskligt. Jag skäms över att erkänna att min farfarsfar Gustav Rosequist och Fannie Linbeck var från Sverige. De emigrerade dock till Ungern, en plats där regeringen i jämförelse med Sveriges inte behandlar folk på detta omänskliga sätt. Ni kan inte rättfärdiga vad ni har gjort genom att säga att ni följde lagen eller försökte skydda Dominic, ert beteende och era handlingar vittnar obönhörligen om att ni inte ens tror era egna ord.
Beteendet er Kommun har uppvisat i detta fall har varit ytterst föraktligt, utan ett spår av medmänsklighet eller sympati. Era sporrade socialarbetare har med dumdristig stolthet fabricerat "bevis" för att överskyla vad som med rätta borde benämnas som ett övergrepp. Ni har och fortsätter orsaka stor skada mot denna familj genom er kompromisslöshet. Det ligger i Er makt att sätta stopp för denna mardröm och uppvisa att ni faktiskt äger mänsklig natur såsom medlidande och bedömningsförmåga. Mitt förslag är att ni tar tillfället i akt att lösa problemet genom att återbörda Dominic till sin familj med en ursäkt samt låter dem fortsätta med sina liv så att de kan försöka reparera vad ni nästintill irreversibelt slitit isär.
Om ni måhända inte känner till det finns det en Facebookgrupp med över 2000 medlemmar från hela världen som ständigt växer, gruppen kallar sig "Return Dominic Johansson". Jag kan försäkra er att denna grupp inte kommer försvinna, den kommer tvärtom växa sig större och allvarligt skämma ut er och ert land. Om ni däremot återbördar Dominic om så även utan en ursäkt kommer denna fråga att dö ut efter ett tag. Det är min rekommendation till er. Uppenbarligen är valet upp till er. Jag hoppas att ni fattar det rätt.
MVH, Michael Donnelly, Esq.
Open letter to Gotlands kommun by Michael Donnally HSLDA
Post Your email to the Swedes
I invited 280 of my friends and just sent the following email to the leaders of the Gotland Kommun: Dear Gotland Kommun Leaders: I am very familiar with the details of the taking of Dominic Johansson as I have been in contact with this family since September 2009 becaus...e of your actions which have denied this family basic and fundamental human rights. The world is increasingly watching your little Island and is catching a very unflattering view of how you treat people who appear to behave a little outside the mainstream. The actions taken by your social workers enabled by you, the leaders of the Kommun, and then ratified by outlandish judgments of your courts show how little Sweden really protects the rights and dignity of adults and children. You should be ashamed and embarrassed by the way you have treated this family with contempt and utter disregard for their basic human rights. When your Embassy official (Mr. Stig Bergland) wrote me about this matter he had the audacity to quote to me the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and pointed out that the “voice of the child” was the starting place in matters like this. Do you seriously expect me, or anyone, to believe that you consulted Dominic and asked him if wanted to be traumatically separated from his parents? Do you understand the harm you have caused this little boy and this family – it is reminiscent of what Stalin did to people sending them off to labor camps because he disagreed with their opinion? Please – I’ve read the court documents. Your social workers and judges said that it is ok to kidnap this little boy and keep the Mom and Dad from visiting him except for 1 hour every 5 weeks? Because Dominic had some cavities and wasn’t vaccinated and was homeschooled? Preposterous and monstrous. Simply inhuman. I’m ashamed to admit that my great-grandparents Gustav Rosequist and Fannie Linbeck were from Sweden. They, however, emigrated to Hungary – a place where it seems, at least compared to Sweden, the government does not treat people in this inhuman way. You cannot justify what you have done by saying that you were following the law or trying to protect Dominic – your behavior and actions since are at odds with any attempt to hide behind such lame assertions. The behavior of your Komun in this case has been utterly despicable - without compassion or sympathy. Your workers have dug in their heels and with foolish pride and are manufacturing “evidence” to cover up what can only be described as an atrocity. You have and continue to cause great harm to this family and boy by your intransigence. It is in your power to stop this nightmare and demonstrate that you possess human qualities like compassion and judgment. My suggestion is that you take the opportunity to make this issue go away by returning Dominic to his family with an apology and allow them to go on with their lives and to try to put back together what you have very nearly irreparably torn apart. In case you didn’t know there is a face book page with over 2,000 people from all over the world (and growing steadily) - the fan page is called “Return Dominic Johansson”. I can assure that this case is not going to go away – it is going to pick up steam and it is going to severely embarrass you and your country. However if you were to return Dominic (even without an apology) this issue would die down after a while. That is my recommendation to you. Obviously the choice is up to you. I hope you make the right one. Sincerely, Michael Donnelly, Esq.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Ny blogg för Dominic Johansson

On June 25th of 2009, officials of Gotland, Sweden boarded a plane bound for India and removed Domenic Johansson from his parents’ custody without a warrant or reasonable cause to believe that he was being harmed. Their supposed crime? Choosing to home school Domenic and to delay or decline certain immunizations. Ironically, home schooling is legal in Sweden, and historically parents have always been given the option to legally delay or decline immunizations if they thought it in the best interest of their particular child or children. Please click on the TEXT located below the photo to learn more!
Besök bloggen...
Homeschool World: Help Swedish homeschoolers battle for their son!

You may have heard about the Swedish couple, Christer and Annie Johansson, whose 7-year-old son, Dominic, was literally yanked off a plane and taken into custody by the state a year ago.
Friday, May 7, 2010
HSLDA: Committee Meeting Rescheduled—Contact on Behalf of Johanssons

cwNEWZ: Will Sweden Adopt Germany's Persecution of Homeschoolers?

Sweden's parliament members are being warned to drop plans to change their homeschooling laws or soon they could be on par with Germany, where persecution over homeschooling recently convinced a family to leave and come to the U.S. for asylum.
The Home School Legal Defense Association, the premier homeschooling-advocacy organization in the world, gave the warning.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Vaken.se: Dominics föräldrar nekades biträde

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Världen Idag: Förvaltningsrätten har vänt - Dominics familj får sitt ombud

I onsdagens tidning berättade Världen idag att Christer Johansson, pappa till åttaåriga omhändertagna Dominic, fick nej av Förvaltningsrätten på sitt förslag av offentligt biträde.
Men nu har rätten vänt och Ruby Harrold Claesson blivit hans ombud.
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WND: Sweden to join Germany in persecuting homeschoolers?

Members of Sweden's parliament are being warned to drop plans to change their homeschooling

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WND: Top human rights expert to argue for return of abducted 7-year-old

"The lawyer is a real freedom fighter," Michael Donnelly, an executive with the HSDLA, told WND. "She goes toe-to-toe over this issue. She's a fighter for the family in Sweden."
She has studied law and political science in France and has done post-graduate studies in legal history and her law degree in Sweden. She has presented several cases of human rights breaches to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.
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