Once upon a time a happy family

Monday, April 30, 2012

Annies message to the Swedish government!

I have collapsed 8 times and ended up in the ER, I fear for my life and I demand the most fundamental rights and freedoms, the right to my life and family!

Swedish Home-Schoolers Flee 'Parental Inquisition'

Norway episode plays out in Sweden too

With the custody row with Norway over two NRI children settled, an Indian mother in Sweden has sought the Centre’s intervention for the custody of her 11-year-old son allegedly being held by the Swedish authorities.


Domenic kidnappad av socialtjänsten - Indisk media rapporterar

Post Norway, another custody row in Sweden

With the custody row with Norway over two Non-Resident Indian children settled, an Indian mother in Sweden has sought the Indian government's intervention for custody of her 11-year-old son allegedly being held by the Swedish authorities.


NRI mother separated from her child by Swedish authorities-NewsX

Another shocking example of how Child Care authorities in the West often fail to understand the Indian way of bringing up a child. This time an NRI mother in Sweden is being put through the ordeal of her son being taken away by child care authorities. The Indian-origin woman named Nirmal Kumar Bhanos who married a Swede Christer Johansson is fighting the European nation's authorities to wrest the custody of their 13- year old son Domenic Johansson. Now going by the name Annie Johansson, the lady is an NRI holding an Indian Passport. She has now written to a Kolkata based NGO to help her. The couple is settled in Visby in Sweden since April, 2000 and Annie's mother who lives in Pune says the forced separation has flung the devastated Annie into depression.
For more log onto - http://alpha.newsx.com

Another Custody Row in Sweden

With the custody row with Norway over two NRI children settled, an Indian mother in Sweden has sought the Indian government's intervention for custody of her 11-year-old son allegedly being held by the Swedish authorities.


Domenic Johansson bortfördes av Socialstyrelsen – Familjen kämpar

Domenic Johansson bortfördes av svensk polis på uppdrag av Socialstyrelsen. Myndigheten ansåg att föräldrarna inte var kapabla att ta hand om sin son. Fallet har fått internationell uppmärksamhet och anses vara ett av det värsta exemplen på kränkning utförd av en myndighet i Väst. Svenska media uppmärksammar inte historien.

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Outcry over Sweden’s Persecution of Homeschoolers Grows

As homeschooling families continue to flee Sweden in the face of escalating persecution, the global outcry over the controversial Swedish policies is growing louder. More than a few critics and reporters have even blasted the government’s actions and behavior as reminiscent of the former Soviet Union.


Christer Johansson intervjuas på Red Ice Creations om socialtjänstens omhändertagande av Domenic Johansson

I intervjun på två timmar diskuteras omhändertagandet av barnet Domenic Johansson av socialtjänsten. Christer och hans fru Annie ville hemskola sitt barn eftersom han inte kände sig bra i den kommunala skolan. Under denna tid var hemskolning fortfarande lagligt i Sverige. Familjen hade redan planerat att flytta till Indien som är Christers frus hemland för att syssla med humanitärt arbete. Den då sjuåriga hemskolade pojken omhändertogs på ett flygplan på väg till Indien då föräldrarna vägrade att sluta hemskola sin son.

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