Once upon a time a happy family

Saturday, March 1, 2014

A message to Fredrik Reinfeldt, primeminister of Sweden! CPS related

A message to Fredrik Reinfeldt, primeminister of Sweden. (English)


  1. I am so very, very, very sad to hear you have still not been given your son back after all these years! My grandparents are from Sweden, in fact their last name was Johansson, also, but changed it to Johnson when they came to the USA in the early 1900's. I wrote a letter to the officials right after they took Dominic, as I home schooled my daughter, too, and told them how very wrong they were, and that I hope to never come to Sweden, if they can treat human life so terribly. I can only imagine the devastation you have all gone through, especially Dominic. I pray and pray that God will unharden these cruel people's hearts that are in charge, and that they will finally allow your loving son to come home to you again very soon. May God help and comfort you always.

  2. Jag och min man blev in i märgen djupt berörda av de systematiska orättvisor som har drabbat er. Vi hoppas innerligen att år 2014 är det år rättvisa skall skippas. Vi vet ej huruvida vi kan vara till hjälp. I dagsläget är vi studenter. Däremot finns vi till förfogande. Känn er fria att kontakta oss. Om det finnes något vi kan göra vore det en ära. Gloria & Gunnar: guhavilan@gmail.com
