Tanken med bloggen är att samla all information och artiklar löpande under en och samma plats. Bloggen kommer förhoppningsvis att kunna bli ett arkiv för dem som vill studera fallet eller en källa till information för anhöriga. Mitt personliga mål är att få ett slut på Johanssons tragiska situation och ett återförenande av familjen.
This case has nothing to do with Liberals. Nothing at all. It has everything to do with the actions of a few people with too much power imposing their own beliefs on others. I'm a proud Liberal yet I strongly disagree with the actions of Swedish Child Protective Services in this case and I have little doubt that the majority of Liberals would agree with me. Don't make this into YOUR tool to advance YOUR agenda. This is a matter of the life of a family, not pawns in your game!
This case has nothing to do with Liberals. Nothing at all. It has everything to do with the actions of a few people with too much power imposing their own beliefs on others. I'm a proud Liberal yet I strongly disagree with the actions of Swedish Child Protective Services in this case and I have little doubt that the majority of Liberals would agree with me. Don't make this into YOUR tool to advance YOUR agenda. This is a matter of the life of a family, not pawns in your game!