Once upon a time a happy family

Saturday, January 28, 2012

According to Western legal theory, "it is the individual who is the beneficiary of human rights which are to be asserted against the government" (1) but within the fomer Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) society as a whole was always seen as the sole beneficiary of human rights.


State Piracy Inc.: Edholm Wants the Swedish State to Abduct ALL Homeschooled Children

The Liberal Party's Lotta Edholm Wants the Swedish State to Abduct ALL Homeschooled Children


Jag- en liberalkommunistnazist?

Min artikel på Aftonbladet om barn som nekas skolgång har fått vida spridning. En site i USA kallar det odemokratiskt och flera upprörda kommentatorer håller med. Som ett brev på posten kom också liknelserna mellan Hitler och mig.

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Politician: Take homeschool kids from parents

The atmosphere for homeschool families in Sweden, where police and social service workers in 2009 abducted a 7-year-old boy from an airplane on which he and his family were moving to India, has plunged to “literally freezing” with a report that a top politician is recommending social services simply take children away from homeschooling families.


Johansson Father Denied Representation and Subject to Psychological Evaluations

In a hearing on 20th December, the father of Dominic Johansson was not allowed to be represented by a lawyer of his choice, after being accused of kidnapping and unlawful detention.


Swedish Pol to Social Services Minister: Take Homeschooled Kids!

Swedish social authorities have kept Dominic in foster care for the last 2½ years. Dominic’s parents have not seen him in over a year. Recently, a Swedish court denied the social services’ attempt to terminate the Johansens’ parental rights. HSLDA and ADF have filed a lawsuit with European Court of Human Rights against Sweden over the case.


Den nya skollagen tvingar hemundervisande familjer i exil – socialanmälningar och extrema viten

Som en dov bakgrund finns fallet med Dominic Johansson som omhändertogs på Arlanda av den gotländska socialtjänsten under dramatiska omständigheter sommaren 2009 med hemundervisning som centralt uppgivet skäl. Gotlands kommun har senare förnekat detta, men ord står emot ord och fallet är ännu inte uppklarat och ligger bland annat hos Europadomstolen.

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