Once upon a time a happy family

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Freedom for Children to Grow Campaign for Home Education

Homeschooling was not the only issue regarding taking Dominic Johansson in custody by the social services. But having read the court verdict with all the issues, there stills seems to be no reason for this severe action. The young boy has most likely been much more hurt by the custody action than the conditions in his family. One cannot avoid the thought that the prejudices and lack of knowledge about homeschooling, could have been the pivotal reason for the custody action.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

HSLDA: Lifting The Iron Curtain On Homeschooling

Sweden also made headlines when officials removed 7-year-old Dominic Johansson from his parents as they sat on an airplane, ready to leave the country. The family was not charged with a crime, and the Swedish court admits that the family was taking care of their son as they thought best. In Sweden, however, the government plan trumps family decisions.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Leren in vrijheid

"Trots gripandet av Johansson, är Hemundervisning inte officiellt olaglig i Sverige. Men det fasta ståndpunkter av den nuvarande regeringen är djupt fientliga till alla förflyttning av medborgare från de statlig kontrollerade utbildningar.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rathkenny Parish: Trouble in Social Utopia

The news of the socialist government’s hardening attitude toward homeschoolers comes following the state seizure eight months ago of seven year-old Dominic Johansson, whose parents were educating him at home. Since the removal of Dominic by police from a plane the family had boarded with the intention of moving to India, Christer and Annie Johansson have been allowed to see their son for one hour every five weeks.

Despite the seizure of Johansson, homeschooling is not officially illegal in Sweden. But the statist views of the current government are deeply antagonistic towards any movement of citizens away from the state control of education.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Christian Telegraph: Homeschooling to be criminalized in Sweden

“Sweden is a beautiful country,” she said, “and the people are very nice. But the government has become increasingly aggressive about education, trying to require that all children go to the state schools. For a country that prides itself on human rights, this type of aggressive behavior is quite shocking.”


Sunday, March 14, 2010

LifeSiteNews.com: Homeschooling to be Criminalized in Sweden

The news of the socialist government’s hardening attitude toward homeschoolers comes following the state seizure eight months ago of seven year-old Dominic Johansson, whose parents were educating him at home. Since the removal of Dominic by police from a plane the family had boarded with the intention of moving to India, Christer and Annie Johansson have been allowed to see their son for one hour every five weeks.


Annie till akuten för 4:e gången!

Annie har den senaste tiden varit väldigt orolig, suttit uppe på nätterna, hostat extremt, haft smärtor i bröstet och i dag så kollapsade hon än en gång. Efter senaste mötet med socialtjänsten så var hon mer eller mindre chockad i flera dagar över hur vi blir och har blivit behandlade. Efter att barnbidraget också togs bort tillfälligt så slog hon av. Ekonomiska bekymmer på allt detta är det sista vi behöver!

Nu är jag dock ruskigt förbannad, det här är ett skarpt försök ”vållande till annas död”… Alla på soc vet hur Annie mår, men istället för att tänka på det, så förnedrar dom ännu mer, och hur fasiken kan man sjunka så lågt, hur är det möjligt, hur kan det vara lagligt? Ja det är det inte, men nonchalansen är total känner vi!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stödet ökar till att familjen Johansson ska återförenas

Det har snart gått åtta månader sedan Dominic Johansson tvångsomhändertogs av Gotlands socialtjänst ifrån sina föräldrar. Det var på arlanda strax innan planet skulle ge sig av som polisen bordade planet och bad familjen att stiga av. De var påväg till Indien var modern Annie kommer ifrån.

Denna blogg startade jag för att visa mitt stöd till föräldrarnas kamp och vilja till att få sin son Dominic tillbaka. Det är mestadels ett arkiv som fylls på, länkar till nyheter och tidningar som berör fallet. På mindre än sex månader har mer än 6000 unika besökare vistat bloggen och många av dem har stannat upp och läst, i vissa fall stannat i flera timmar enligt statistiken.
Videon som ligger överst på bloggen har visats 2400 gånger på youtube, om man räknar ihop min uppladdning tillsammans med Marcus Borg [1]
Ingela har startat en facebookgrupp [2] som på någon vecka till skrivande stund har allierat 279 användare.
En namninsamling [3] med 1771 underskrifter, målet är 2500 som sedan ska överlämnas till den svenska ambassaden i USA.
HSLDA och Alliance Defense Fund förbereder till Europa domstolen för mänskliga rättigheter. [4]

LifeSiteNews.com: Homeschool Legal Giants Intervene in Sweden State Abduction of Homeschooler

Nearly eight months have passed since Christer and Annie Johansson, with their young son Dominic, boarded a plane to move to India. With one minute before takeoff, Swedish authorities arrested Christer and Annie and whisked Dominic away into the custody of social services.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

EducationNews.org: State takes custody of 7-year-old over homeschooling

Social workers have been visiting a Swedish couple whose son was "abducted" by government agents last year because he was being homeschooled, but that's not necessarily a good sign, and now two major rights organizations are exploring options to reunite the family.

WND: Now human rights organizations reviewing 'state-napping'

"Swedish social workers have recently visited Christer and Annie and inquired about their current ability to take care of Dominic. According to a Swedish lawyer who spoke with HSLDA anonymously, these visits do not necessarily indicate the possible return of Dominic to his parents. Rather, this attorney said, Swedish social services intends to force the parents into 'complete subjugation and compliance with the system."


Faithand the law: State takes custody of 7-year-old over homeschoolin

HSLDA and the Alliance Defense Fund are jointly advising the family and exploring all available avenues to help reunite Dominic with his family,” the HSLDA said in a published statement.

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