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Micro den 09-07-31
Den 25:e juni så kidnappade socialmyndigheten Dominic 7 år på sin väg till Indien för att starta ett nytt liv med sin familj. Efter förhandlingar med socialen utan tydliga resultat går vi ut och berättar om händelsen som har skakat deras liv. Händelsen visar tydligt baksidan på det samhälle vi lever i och hur de som inte följer maktens pipa kan straffas godtyckligt.
Expressen's artikel om fallet:älp Dominic att komma tillbaka till sin familj. Klicka på
läs mer.
New: English version. När jag först fick höra vad som hänt med Christer och hans familj blev jag bestört. Jag har känt Christer i flera år och har mycket gemensamma vänner med honom. Han bor på Gotland och har varit en av de drivande i den gotländska vakenbyn. Här följer en berättelse om hur socialmyndigheten har missbrukat sin makt för att en familj inte följer rådande normer.Skriven av Mikael C efter att ha diskuterat och lyssnat till Christer berättelse.
Vi är vanliga människor som gör vårt bästa för att göra det som är viktigt i livet både för mig och för världen. Vi vill leva ett liv i frihet och där vi kan utvecklas och hjälpa varandra. Vår familj är inte normala i det att vi har valt att gå vår egen väg och söka våra egna lösningar precis som många andra som är aktiva på

Vi har blivit anklagade för att hata auktoriteter, och det verkar vara den största anledningen till detta drama. Men vi hatar ingen, vi tror endast att vi har störst möjlighet att möta våra behov genom att gå vår egen väg.
Vår son Dominic är ett kärleksfullt barn och vi har en mycket nära kontakt. Vi har valt att ha honom hemma där han kan leka och lära sig av oss andra. Dominic har gått igenom och klarat alla normala hälsotester utan problem. Vår doktor sa dessutom att hans mentala kapacitet var flera år framför det normala för hans ålder.
När vi valde att hemskola honom möttes vi av problem från rektorn på skolan och han kopplade in socialen på fallet. Problemen eskalerades och vi försökte vid flera tillfällen att förklara vår situation utan att lyckas.
Under tiden hade vi utarbetat en plan för att flytta till Indien (Dominics mamma Annie är från Indien) och påbörja uppbyggandet av en ekologisk by där vi kunde leva och vara självförsörjande. Vi hade sålt våra ägodelar och såg fram emot att resa. Vi packade våra väskor, åkte till Arlanda, satt oss ned i flygstolarna och väntade på att vi skulle starta. När flygplanet var på väg att starta så stoppades det av svensk polis som kom ombord. De tog in oss i häkte och förde bort vår son. Vi var helt överaskade och chockade, min fru kollapsade av stressen och la sig på golvet utan att få någon hjälp. Jag gjorde det bästa för att hålla henne lugn medan hon gick in och ut från medvetande. Hennes läppar blev blåa och efter att själv gett henne första hjälpen lyckades hon återfå medvetande och lugna ned sig.
Genom hela denna färs med total brist på medkänsla och omtanke så har vi inte fått någon vettig förklaring till varför Dominic blivit omhändertagen. Det vi fått veta som ska vara anledning är att han har haft två dåliga mjölktänder och att det inkommit några anonyma brev.
Den här situationen är extremt stressande och ångestladdad för oss. Min fru orkar inte vara uppe och vår sons tillstånd kan vi inte veta då vi knappt tillåts någon kontakt med honom alls. Det senaste vi fick höra från Doktorn var att han blivit traumatiserad av händelsen och behöver en lugn och harmonisk miljö, så låt honom komma hem nu!
Det är uppenbart att det som sker måste strida mot de mest fundamentala rättigheter som en människa kan ha. Att ta ett barn från dess föräldrar utan noggranna undersökningar och bevis att barnet skulle fara illa. Det här kan inte få fortsätta, varken i vårt eller andra fall.
De som än ansvariga för fallet är Sofi Rosenqvist och Caroline Palmqvist som arbetar för Gotlands Kommun.
Underlag till artikeln framtaget av Mikael, Mark, Christer och Annie.
Läs mer om omhändertagandet på Christers bloggLäs mer om Christers projekt på: www.mepprograms.orgArticle in English:
Kidnapped by the Swedish Police!
Our son Dominic was removed from our custody by the Swedish Social Services with the help of the Swedish police force. What follows is a short story revealing the corruption of a few, dehumanizing actions and total lack of both responsibility and respect for basic human rights and freedoms in modern Sweden.
My name is Christer and the son of two very average hard-working parents. I was born in Sweden 1969 and raised in a rural environment where I developed and interest for helping animals, nature and people.
As a youth I found myself and my interests gravitating more and more introspective, one could say I am a very intellectual and inward looking soul, though I am social by nature. I have questioned life and how we live, looked at our values and tried to the best of my abilities to live them fully as best I can.
I believe in a simple practical healthy lifestyle and taking the time to help people and those less fortunate than myself.
In that spirit I found myself helping the local police where I live on Gotland and social organizations with "problem youth", creating new bridges of communication between parties and even assisting in ridding the island of Gotland I live on of violent criminal elements.
Having worked in social services I know well the value of a bit of citizen action and responsibility while looking out for ones fellow "man" so to speak, and would that more of us take such tasks upon themselves as well.
I have always found independent finance and support for all my projects. Whether it be my spare time or money from my own pocket.
When our newest project to help poor and homeless destitute children in India was developed almost 8 years ago, that was my attitude as well.
My wife Annie is an Indian citizen, and I was inspired by the challenges I saw in her home country to find a way to practically share my ideas and talents to help the suffering poor in ways to give them independence as opposed to seeking hand outs.
We created Mep Programs to establish the foundation for this in India in 2002. The idea was and is to help children by giving them the social and practical skills and support to take them out of the situations the find themselves in today.
Unfortunately for all involved we were all traumatized by a violent earthquake in Gujarat leaving over 16 000 people killed, and 600 000 people homeless.
We were on our way back home to Sweden from that tragedy when we were robbed of almost all our possessions and money on the way to the airport, and by the time we landed in Sweden we were both suffering from shock, overwork and depression.
Our son Dominic was to be born soon, and I was determined to be in top form for this welcome change in our lives, and the responsibility that incurs.
In order to keep on with our plans I decided to, with the recommendation of my doctor whom I sought help with, to go along with his advice and began taking a prescription of the anti-depression drug Seroxat.
(see - taken on trust by Panormama BBC)
(I was advised to begin with 60mg)
This is where my story takes a downward turn.
I found myself in the unusual psychological state of even more heightened depression and angst. Having never suffered from such things I waited to see how things would develop. I figured it may have something to do with what I had experienced and also to be patient with the drugs. I found this to in fact be the opposite of what I had expected. After several months of worsening effects, I again asked for help and I was recommended increasing my dose of medication!
What followed was even worse and decided to take myself off the medication with the help of herbal medicines. After much research online I found the right substances and began my natural self medication (I am very weary of un-ecological and chemical products) which to my and my family's delight worked!
During the following years our son Dominic had cleared all the normal check ups and bills of health as any normal child would. Not only that, the doctors said that he had the mental capacity of a child two years his senior. (2006)
That being the case we continued our work with our test center on Gotland where we ran a working model of what we would like to see in India. This would help us iron out any problems and bumps along the way.
We home-schooled Domenic for a while (because we knew we are going to leave Sweden in a while), and contacted the Swedish school authorities for the requirements of doing so, and they kindly said all we needed to do was to contact the principal at his school to supply us with the appropriate study material etc. I have experience with schooling in my profession, which also helps me. My wife Annie is well educated and can teach on a University level!
Unbelievably, the principal not only denied us the material (which by law he was to supply us), he said openly he couldn't care less about our interest in human rights and decided to contact the social services to start an investigation of this situation!
Our project continued and during this time we tried on several occasions to help him, and those involved understand where we were coming from and to just relax about things.
They really seemed to be at odds with this, were uncooperative and at times hostile.
Well, during this time we had sold all our possessions, saved our money and looked forward to settling in with our project in India to get started with the practical works needed on site. With this in mind we bought our tickets, packed our bags and sat ourselves on the plane at Stockholm Arlanda airport, looking forward to a long flight and finally getting started.
But it was not to be so.
As the airplane was about to depart, it was stopped by the Swedish Police, who came onboard, took us all into custody at the airport and took away our son! We were completely surprised and shocked, my wife collapsed in a state of overwhelm and panic, no one was there to help, I tried my best to comfort her as she went in and out of consciousness. Her lips turned blue and her whole body had gone into a state of shock.
Finally I was able to resuscitate her, comfort her, though to this day she is understandably feeling extremely down, sad and in a state of disbelief. As an Indian citizen she could never have imagined such things happening in a modern western country.
Through all the madness, the brutal inhumane and complete disregard for basic human rights, the only reason for all this explained to us was the fact that our son Domenic had two bad milk teeth, which the social services deemed enough evidence to "kidnap" him away from us, and place him in the custody of some strange family.
As this gross negligence progressed and as we have fought day and night to get him back we have heard only the most pathetic and absurd excuses from the social workers responsible. Who have, by the way been pathetically unhelpful and downright uncooperative.
Our civil servants have cited the bad teeth, and a few anonymous letters as being the cause for the "kidnapping". Unbelievable, that a modern western country, in the EU would act like something out of a banana republic, with a dictatorship gulag mentality, with total disregard for family and the love between child and parents.
After a few weeks they changed approach and claimed we are bad parents, for no reason!
Who are these people who are responsible?
Obviously confused or unable to accept other cultures etc, individuals with the names of "Sofi Rosenqvist and Caroline Palmqvist", work for "Gotlands Kommun".
( -
The "Socialtjänsten" over here on Gotland has a history of over-reacting and complaints against them and their fellow co-workers are on our side in this regard.
What is happening right now, is our son Domenic is placed in an extremely stressful situation, we have little or no contact with him, his diet of organic healthy foods is non existent (when we finally got to meet him briefly he told us, under supervision how much candy he has been eating, ironic considering his so called bad teeth would be a central issue for their actions).
The more our lawyers look at this case, the more apparent that their is either total corruption and disregard for human rights within the social services to allow this negligence to continue
I am and have a background in social work, I am and have been working together with my wife to make this world a better place, and not just talk about it in endless meetings like so many beurocrats do.
I will and have worked with the police and other aspects of the social departments to help rid society of criminal elements, establish communication and responsibility with youth needing help and working on our project for the better part of 10 years.
That two misguided individuals would use the Swedish police to "kidnap" Dominic, to cite anonymous letters and bad teeth as evidence to do this is a dangerous precedent, it is without compare in an open and free society and indicative of the big social problems in society at large.
Their actions, decisions and continuing cover-up of the so-called evidence says more about their mental state of mind and lack of human compassion than any pathetic accusations towards us. What lay behind such claims and gross misuse of power?
(Difficulties to understand and respect a different life from the so called norm)
What sort of people separate children from parents without any evidence?
I am not sure, the attitude and actions are almost alien to me, but in comparison there must be some megalomaniacal feudalistic socialist beaurocratical fixation at work here.
I can only imagine that such actions are the work of persons unfit for such responsibility and positions of influence in the first place and that as this comes to light that the better elements of the modern Swedish social services will do the right thing and take care of this before our son sinks into depression and more mental stress. Annie is as well in a very bad state for the moment, and getting worse day by day for that matter!
We will continue our fight for our son, we will shed light on this situation as it develops with the blogs and media of the world asking that people look carefully at what is going on here. (swe blog
We ask that anyone who cares and wants to know further the claims and details contact the public social services department at "Socialtjänsten Gotland" and ask any questions you feel.
Don't take our word for it, find out for yourself how incredibly preposterous and sadistic this situation is.
Please remember the people doing this are misguided human beings, so please remember to be polite as well.
If the Social Services on Gotland can take away a happy healthy young boy from his family (two persons who are socially responsible, working with a project to help needy and starving children, with a background in community services, cooperation with the police and with many other people in social services vouching for us) imagine what they can do to the average working person.
Imagine, at the supposed claim (we have not seen the attested letters or evidence of when they were supposedly sent) that someone complained that your child or children would be taken away from you.
The implications of this are terrifying, and the immediate effects on us all emotionally are almost unbearable, on top of this, our families in India are worried, and our project to help the poor and starving children of India sits on hold.
We hope for an immediate resolve of this gross injustice and a formal apology from those involved with reprimands to those responsible now.
Article written by Mark, with the help of Christer and Annie!
By Christer:
I would like to thank Mark for helping us with this article, and I would like to add a few things as well.
I'm no better then other people, I'm just a normal human being, trying my best to do what I feel is important both in my life and in this world. My family is maybe a little different from the norm, but, when did that become a crime?
I've red the Swedish constitution, and I have also read the mission that the Social Services are acting upon, and there actions against us are really not there, anywhere, so where do they come from?
Why this article?
There are courts to decide what's right in cases like this! Yes, there is... But when the Social Services and there lawyer started to lie and mix facts I decided to go public! The lawyer also added in the last meeting,
- They hate authorities!
Answer, No we do not, no matter what you try, I will never hate other people for what you have done and created!
The last thing I heard from the Social Services was, - Domenic is traumatized now, so he needs to be in a calm and peaceful environment. We agree, let him come home then! That is not a suggestion, that is our demand!