Friday, October 2, 2009

Christer Johansson kommer att medverka i The Dave Levine Show

SPECIAL GUEST on 10/13 (confirmed): Christer Johansson, homeschooling father of the 7-year old Swedish boy who was abducted by Swedish police from his and his wife's plane and has not been allowed to go home to his parents except for a few 1-hr visits by the parents.

För mer information, besök The Dave Levine Show och här! kommer man att kunna lyssna på programmet live över internet.

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Education Watch International, Sweden — the next Germany for homeschoolers?
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1 comment:

  1. I mean what should i say? I FEEL SO BAD FOR THE MOTHER. Annie if you are reading my message i really wish you get back tour son!!! i'm a Lebanese woman married to a Swedish man he is the creator of this blog. I hope you get back your son i dunno what will i do if a nazi state would take my sons away from but sure i will fight hitler till the end!!! i hope you don't surrender to them and fall part because this is what they want. I do not understand two terrible women who can do this in Gothland county! it is impossible that women can hurt any other female or children not in my feminist dictionary! what is gone with this world!!! why everyone loosing feminity feminity means feelings, compassion and mercy we don't need manly feelings we need more women to take care of women all around the world!
